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Get Detailed Insights About Skilled Regional Visa Subclass 887 Australia

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The visa subclass 887allows candidates who have worked and lived in a particular part of Australia with an eligible visa previously. It lets you study and work anywhere in the country, sponsor your relatives to get a permanent residence and qualify for Australian citizenship. The 887 visa processing time for the visa is 21 to 26 months and is a special type of visa. 

Dependents and applicants must comply with the conditions of the current visa, or else they won’t receive it. In this guest post, all the details required to attain a subclass 887 are enclosed. They are: 

  • Covid-19 concessions 

From the 19th of September 2020, the eligibility criterion to Covid concessions is available for skilled regional visa subclass 887applicants. Eligible candidates can apply for the visa when they are not in the country and get it sanctioned while they are outside. Candidates lodging during the concession period get access to shorter residence and employment requirements. 

  • Meeting the residence needs. 

While applying for the visa, you must have stayed in the country for at least two years. It is only applicable if Covid-19 concessions are not applied. The residence requirements are a designated area in the country if any of your family members is sponsoring you for the visa, a low population, or regional growth metropolitan area when the territory or state government is nominating you. 

  • Have an eligible visa 

To obtain an 887 visayou must hold an eligible visa, which can be a subclass 495, 489, 475, 487. Or else, you have a valid application for a subclass 495, 489, or 487 visa or Bridging visa A or B. 

  • The work requirement 

When you fill in the application form for a subclass 887 visayou have completed working in the country for at least a year full-time. In Australia, full-time means 35 hours a week in the nominated or other occupation. 

  • The level of English language 

While the authorities are evaluating the application form, you must have cleared the second instalment for the visa application, or have functional English, or pay a second instalment when professionals ask for it. 

  • Attain the character and health requirements 

You and your family members must attain the health and character requirements stated by the authority. Sometimes, you might see that you have already taken the health examination test, but the visa professionals will tell you to take it again. In character requirements, family members not accompanying you might also need to attain the requirements. 

  • Clear off the dues 

In case you or anyone planning to travel with you, like your family member has dues under the Australian government, clear them off. If you cannot, you should at least make some necessary arrangements for it. Remember, do not add any wrong details to your application form as the visa authorities will look for every aspect. The Migration Agent Perth can guide you with these things as they know how important it is. 

  • Signing the statement of Australian values 

Aspirants who have attained the age of 18 years must sign the Australian value statement. Someone must have explained the things to them, or they have read Life in Australia. It also confirms you will respect the laws and the Australian way of life while residing in the country. 

  • No cancellation or refusal of previous visa application 

Aspirants whose application form has been canceled or refused in the past are not eligible for the visa. In case you have, check how cancellation affects the requirements. 

Achieving all the requirements to get a visa 887 is of utmost importance. It is always better to have a track on the aspects you have attained and what not. In a way, there are lesser chances of missing out on any. Many people who have already received the visa claim appoint an immigration agent Perthfor the entire process. Considering that, you must be thinking about why one would hire them. Here are some reasons, helping you understand about the same. 

  • Understanding and solving the complexity 

The Australian government is strict when it comes to sanctioning visas, and a single mistake can lead to rejection. The immigration agents understand it quite well and can be your saviour in complex situations. When you hire them from the initial stage, they will help you in attaining the eligibility criteria. As a result, there is a lesser chance of dealing with unnecessary situations. Not only that, but you will also get the visa on time. 

  • Verified process and documentation 

At times, you may need to provide some extra evidence asked by the authority. In this situation, the immigration agents can tell you what you should provide. Giving the proper details will increase your chances to get the visa without delays. 

  • Well-presented visa application 

The visa application needs to be well-presented with all the details as asked by the authority. Migration agents are experts in preparing the application form, so it is another reason why you should hire them. 

Look for an immigration agent. 

A licensed and certified immigration agent is aware of every step and has helped many candidates get their visas. So, it’s your time now to appoint them, so you do not face any trouble getting the visa. They are well-trained and qualified, which is why you can rely on them completely. They are also keen on providing you detailed information about the process. 


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